Green Bond Framework 


As part of its environmental and social involvement UniCredit Mortgage Bank intends to issue the green covered bonds and green mortgage bonds under the Sustainability Bond Framework of the international UniCredit Group (Group Framework, June 18th 2021) based on the ICMA Green Bond Principles process guidelines (2021).

The Group Framework’s alignment with the international standards was attested by independent third party (ISS ESG).

The Group Framework is available on the following website:


The Summary of Green Bond Methodology is available on the following website:


The Second Party Opinion released by an independent third party is available on the following website:


GroupCriteria for Hungary and UniCredit Jelzalogbank Ltd. is available onthe following website:

Group Criteria for Hungary and UniCredit Jelzalogbank (February, 2024)

Annual Impact and Allocation Report is available on the following website:

UC Jelzálogbank Sustainability Bond Report 2023

QuarterlyESG Bond Report is available on the following website:

Quaterly ESG Bond Report 2024 Q1

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Do not hesitate to ask us!
+36 1 301-5500
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